On November 30th, 2021, we received the GREAT news that Stichting Thuiszorg Banda 'Bou is ISO 9001:2015 certified!
ISO is an international standard to ensure high quality in an organization. Under the guidance of our quality officer Shanela Regales-Pieternelle, the certification process started three years ago. With the support of director Phaedra Elings, along with the team of professionals from both the Care and Transport departments, Shanela evaluated and analyzed opportunities and risks for the quality of service that Stichting Thuiszorg Banda 'Bou provides. They adapted the process, protocols, and work instructions in accordance with quality regulations for ISO 9001:2015, thus elevating the quality of service that Stichting Thuiszorg Banda 'Bou offers. The heads of departments also helped monitor and maintain the professional service that all employees provide to the clients of Stichting Thuiszorg Banda 'Bou. The management of Stichting Thuiszorg Banda 'Bou is extremely proud that together we can celebrate this great achievement!!!
ICT Labs Caribbean
Since October 2020, Stichting Thuiszorg Banda 'Bou joined forces with ICT Labs Caribbean. Together they aim for a new and innovative health care programme. This project guarantees improvement in the effectiveness of information and medical care component management. This memorandum of understanding has been created and signed by Stichting Alzheimer Curaçao and Stichting Thuiszorg Banda 'Bou. On September the 21st, International day of Alzheimer, we attended mass at the Tera Kòrá church for a beautiful blessing. After mass, Stichting Alzheimer Curaçao and Stichting Banda 'Bou signed the memorandum of understanding. Together, these two organizations will bring more awareness and prevention to dementia on Curaçao. Together we can reach the sky! |
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